Anxiety & Fears

Anxiety is becoming increasingly more common in our culture.

According to the ADAA, anxiety affects about 19.1 percent of adults in the United States. About half of people also suffer from depression (or vice versa), though there are also instances where an individual may only experience one or the other.

When anxiety levels get too high, it can be debilitating, frustrating, and can even elicit panic attacks. Anxiety can sometimes affect not only your personal life, but also your performance at work or relationships with others, if not managed attentively.

Anxiety treatment can help you reclaim your life

It’s important to find ways to acknowledge your anxious thoughts or impulses without letting them control your actions or emotions. Being able to recognize your specific triggers and the underlying causes of these triggers is an important step to overcoming them.

In our sessions, we will address existing anxiety patterns and causes, and then develop new habits to supersede the existing habits. Being able to create a pattern and habit of overcoming anxiety can help reframe stressful, anxious situations in a way that allows you to create lasting change, peace, and long-term happiness.

Make an Appointment

Please call today so we can discuss how your anxieties or fears are upsetting you.